Welcome to Nurtured Beginnings
What if you had the benefit of a birth and breastfeeding professional to come alongside you, both before you even conceive or to visit you in your home after your baby is born? What if you had someone to reassure you that your recovery is normal (or to alert you if it isn’t), make sure that breastfeeding is going well, help you tweak any issues that are causing you concern, make sure your baby is gaining and doing well and generally look out for both you and the baby?
As a retired Certified Professional Midwife (CPM), I have almost 30 years of experience doing just that in my practice. Georgia loses more mothers than any state (we typically rank #49 and #50) in the entire United States, and many times, it is the postpartum period where mothers fall through the cracks because no one is checking on them.
I retired as a midwife, but I have years of experience ensuring mothers and babies thrive after birth. I am licensed as a CPM in South Carolina, but Georgia does not offer licensure to CPMs. I am passionate about remaining active in helping mothers achieve a healthy postpartum and breastfeeding experience.
After many years of living in Atlanta, I am returning to my roots in the city where I was born, Valdosta. I want to make life a little easier for my sister, who has been helping to provide care for our aging mother. I love sewing and quilting, crafts, and writing books on the topics I love most, such as pregnancy and postpartum. I am a Christian, and that foundation undergirds all of my endeavors. I am married and have eleven grandchildren, who make my life richer.
I received my CPM certification in 2011, after having also served as a traditional midwife in previous years. I have served as a preceptor with NARM (North American Registry of Midwives) for midwifery students and for two midwifery colleges. I previously received a CLC (certified lactation counselor) to expand my knowledge and help the mothers under my care. I have delivered 680 newborns and cared for their mothers during pregnancy and postpartum.